Friday 1 April 2011

Lightbulb moment!

“I've been doing a lot of abstract painting lately, extremely abstract. No brush, no paint, no canvas, I just think about it.” – Steven Wright

I was looking for my quote for the day and stumbled across the above one.  It made me smile, but also think about thoughts. (Yes, you can think about thinking.) 

I am looking at a painting.  It is the most beautiful painting I have ever layed me eyes on and I know if you could see it now you would also love it.  It's a painting of an african landscape.  The sun is setting and in the distance is the outline of a tree.  An elephant is gracefully picking leaves to fill it's hungry stomach.  Grass is swaying in the breeze.  All is calm and serene.  The use of colours is just amazing.  Red, orange, yellow flowing into each other. This is all fantastic, but it's not on a canvas.  I am only thinking about the painting.  I am also thinking about painting it, but I am not actually painting it.  No one can truly admire my work of art, as no one will ever see it.

This made me think about all the ideas we have.  All the things we think about and create within our own minds, that no one will ever see.  Our creations might be a success in our minds, but we will never know the success it might have outside of our mind.  I think we feel save creating things in our minds, but are scared of taking the risk in actually realising our dreams.  Yes, it can fail, but you can also have a great recipe for success inside your head.  You will never know until you take the risk.  Paint the picture you have on a real canvas.  I think the people that achieve great success are the one's that take risks and even when they fail get up and try again.

Oh yes!  Happy April Fool's Day!

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