Tuesday 5 April 2011

Winter time

 I can feel the air getting cooler and everyone around me is starting to dress in warmer clothes.  The sun is sleeping later and going to bed earlier.  Ice tea has made way for hot chocolate.  I just love winter time, as all my favourites appear.  Stews, warm drinks, thick blankets, snug clothes and fireplaces.  A lot of my colleagues are complianing about the cold that is creeping in.  Some people even get depressed this time of year. I am just so excited to unpack the things I love. 

With the seasons that are changing, I am thinking aobut life's seasons and how they also change.  Some seasons stay for quite some time and others fly by.  To me every season comes with it's own blessings and lessons. Whether you will experience and learn is entirely up to you.  You can complain, but then you won't get anything out of the season and it will feel like years, before it passes. 

A winter can teach us a lot of things and here are some of the lessons I have learned:
  1. Snuggle up close to your loved ones, as we are so inclined to put them at the bottom of our priority list and they might be gone in the blink of an eye.
  2. Wrap your blanket of love and care around those you come into contact with.  You never know how badly they might need the warmth.
  3. Take time to slow down and have a cup of hot chocolate.
  4. We have a lot of strength inside of us, that we may not realise during summer time.
  5. We are notlimited by the cold, but we have tools to turn on the heat.
It doesn't matter what the season in your life is at the moment, what matters is what you learn from it.  I have one anchor that keeps me going through every season and that is God's power isn't limited by seasons.

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