Wednesday 1 February 2012


This year I just realized how dependent we are on technology.  I think that I can also say that some of us have a serious addiction going on.
Once upon a time when you had a disagreement with your friends about some or other fact, you had to rely on the answer that was given most confidently.  Now, you just take out your smart phone or laptop and Google it.  I had a problem with my wedding dress the other day - the colours didn’t match.  Everyone was in panic.  What to do? What to do? Let’s ask Google.  Problem solved!  Our internet lines were down recently, so what did we do? Nothing.  Let’s go home.  If we can’t e-mail or Google it, we can’t work.  There’s no sending a letter through the mail or even a fax.  Waste of paper. Waste of time.  We don’t run marathons any more, we only sprint.
With thinking about technology, I am wondering how up to date are you with it.  Computer literacy is becoming more and more important in the workplace.  If you can’t send an e-mail, well good luck with your career.  You literacy shouldn’t stop at MS Word.  You need to know how to:
  • Manage Outlook
  • Make graphs in Excel
  • Create an attention-grabbing presentation of PowerPoint
  • Use Google like a pro
  • Build relationships using social media
If you don’t know these things, it is time to develop your skills.  Just watch out for that addiction.
Here are some links to get you started:

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