Thursday 31 March 2011

I am the one and only!
I talk to so many people and think about them.  One common theme that I pick up is that we want to be what society prescribes for us to be.  If society says so, it is so.  We sometimes even form our self-image and self-worth according to what society says.  I have seen a lot of heartache and doubt caused by this. 

This morning I woke up, my head filled with a lot of things and wondering if I do live up to the standards that are set for me.  I felt exhausted.  Just there and then, I decided today I am wearing jeans and sneakers, no high heals.  I need to feel cozy and relaxed.  I made myself an instant cuppachino (I usually drink herbal tea) and a croissant.  How wonderful that felt!  I dressed how I wanted to, ate and drank what I wanted to. Today I am just living up to my own standards, doing my own thing.  I cried about my puppy going for an op (I usually don't do this, as people might think I am silly).  Today I am going to be me.

This just made me realize that we are unique and living that way will make us a lot happier and satisfied.  Doing what we like, expressing what we feel, following our hearts, living our dreams.  There is freedom in accepting who you are, realizing you are unique and living it!  We break free from the chains of society and live the life we want. 
I am the one and only, no body I'd rather be......(and I'll sing this in the shower and my car, even if you think  I can't sing.  I want to sing and that's what I'll do!)

Wednesday 30 March 2011


Every morning on my way to work I pass a newspaper seller.  This isn't your ordinary newspaper seller.  This guy is different in an extraordinary way.  He has a passion for selling his newspapers every morning.  It is amazing to watch him.  He greets every car and asks if you are "Sharp".  You are rewarded with a huge smile if you give him the thumbs up!  I love the sparkle in his eye and the bounce in his step.  His whole being is in selling his papers.  This amazes me.  It is my tonic for the day.

Society has a lot of rules of what we need to have in order for us to be happy.  Every morning when I watch this man, I just realise that you create your own happiness.  It is up to you to make your life your passion.  We have to get up in the morning and work or do what ever we have to for the day.  I just think that it would be much more fun if we put our whole being into what we are busy doing and enjoy every moment of it.

Enjoy sitting in traffic, as this is a time to pray and sing a long to your favourite songs. 
Enjoy making someone a cup of coffee, as you lighten up their day.
Enjoy the laughter and noise of children, as this reminds us how much fun we can have if we let the child inside of us out from time to time.

Just find the little things in your day to enjoy and be happy about!  It is easy once you find your passion...

"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday 29 March 2011

The interview

As I am listening to an interview prep, I can't help but think how scary an interview can be.  Nerves can cause us to get up to all sorts of things.  I came across a couple of things that you probably shouldn't do during an interview:
  1.  A job applicant challenged the interviewer to an arm wrestle.
  2. Candidate announced she hadn't had lunch and proceeded to eat a hamburger and chips in the interviewers office.
  3. Candidate explained that her long-term goals was to replace the interviewer.
  4. Candidate said he never finished high school because he was kidnapped and kept in a closet in Mexico.
  5. Applicant interrupted interview to phone her therapist for advice on how to answer specific interview questions.
  6. Applicant refused to sit down and insisted on being interviewed standing up.
  7. Candidate dozed off during interview.
It would also be best not to ask:
  1. "What is it that you people do at this company?"
  2. "Why aren't you in a more interesting business?"
  3. "Do I have to dress for the next interview?"
  4. "I know this is off the subject, but will you marry me?"
  5. "Does your company have a policy regarding concealed weapons?"
If you have an interview coming up and are a bit worried that your nerves will get the better of you, contact me.

(Read more on the funny things people did in an interview on

Monday 28 March 2011

Here we go!

I can still remember standing on the verge of major changes in my life.  The butterflies in my stomach.  Am I making the right choice?  What will things be like when I take the next step?  As with all things new and different in life, this is the sensation and feeling we get.  A normal feeling.  A feeling that can be mixed with a lot of excitement, if we have a plan in place.

I think two of the major transitions (other than getting married and having children) is leaving school and venturing into the adult world and leaving student life and journeying into the world of work. A very exciting experience, being "all grown up" and independent.  The world is your oyster!

The world can also be your dark, scary alley if you don't have a plan or the tools you need for this journey. What are these tools we need:
  1. Self-knowledge
  2. A map of the career path you want to follow
  3. Career goals
  4. Knowledge of the world of work
  5. Links between you and the world of work
Be the one who is anxious, but EXCITED! 

If you are struggling to get your tools together, invest in a career coach or counsellor!  This is one investment you can make that has great returns!